TSO-approved, dual-element Iridium antenna providing coverage from 1616 MHz to 1626.5 MHz for full Iridium coverage. The dual-element design provides the capability to connect two Iridium devices to the antenna with one antenna installation. Provided with two TNC female connectors.The special molded radome provides superior protection against rain, ice and lightning strikes. The unit is hermetically-sealed and DC-grounded. Satcom/Dual Iridium Antenna has been approved as Iridium Compatible Equipment (ICE).
Manufactures stabilised antenna systems for marine satellite communication. Inmarsat and Iridium provider, featuring our Global One Number service for aeronautical, land-mobile, maritime, and government. International installation of turnkey satellite and microwave communications systems including earth stations, broadcast antennas, TVRO, VSAT, troposcatter, wireless broadband, and C, K, X, Ku and Ka band services as well as sales of used equipment such as SATCOM antennas, RF power amplifiers, video receivers and test equipment. Client list.
Properties of the element, including its history, applications, and characteristics. A sports bar and restaurant on the beach with four satellite antennae\dual receivers and twelve large televisions. Makers of satellite software for antenna aiming, sun outages, link budget, dual feeds and polar mounts.
Manufactures stabilised antenna systems for marine satellite communication. Inmarsat and Iridium provider, featuring our Global One Number service for aeronautical, land-mobile, maritime, and government. Provider of Inmarsat, Iridium, Thuraya, VSAT satellite communications equipment and airtime for those working and traveling in remote areas. Offices in the UK, Europe, US, Oceania and Asia.
Supplier of satellite telephones and airtime including Iridium, Thuraya and Inmarsat Fleet Broadband. Also email compression services, global weather downloads and GPS tracking service. Satphones, satellite world phones, and GPS receivers, iridium handheld satellite phones. Vancouver based retailer of Garmin GPS devices, BlackBerry accessories, Iridium satellite phones, TomTom GPS units and ICOM radios.